I thought this one day as I was walking up my driveway. The sun was shining, illuminating this really tall, uncut grass. There were patches of moss and wildflowers and dandelions all over, and vegetation growing among the trees.
Why would I want anything else? Let alone a clean cut, perfectly straight lawn? That would just be, as Alan Watts says, us trying to control the wiggles with a net. But why? So our lawns can be less beautiful and less soft? And some go so far as to not allow anyone to tread on the lawn, and even put poisonous fertilizer in it. Then you can't sit in it or walk in it barefoot or enjoy it at all except from afar. But I guarentee the view won't be as nice as it could've been.

A lone, purple Iris growing in my front yard

I was walking home from my neighbor's house when I looked up and saw this beautiful rainbow (or circumhorizontal arc?) going all the way around the sun. Breathtaking.

When I realized my camera could have 15 second night exposure, I took a flurry of starry night sky pictures. Can't wait to try it out with Milky Way Galaxy...

Some nice bluebell flowers. I'm just guessing that that's the name. Bluebell the troll, terrified throughout the nine kingdoms!

Pine tree in my front yard against the brilliant blue sky

Cool feather I found on the side of the road.
A Japanese-esque flowering tree had dropped lots of its petals. Almost looked like snow!
A pointy-nosed turtle Thomas and I found in Highbanks Metro Park in Ohio. Looks like it has a kinda leathery shell.
The really tall grass that gets lots of water from the ditches. It grew even taller later! (But it got cut recently, and now it's just short, brown, ugly patches) I love walking through grass barefoot, it's so soft!
Thomas against a sunset. It probably didn't look THAT brilliantly orange, I had it on sunset setting.
Beautifully radiant, neon-green tulip leaves. They didn't bloom this year, though. Which is funny, cause it's the only year the deer didn't eat them either.
A pretty wildflower growing in my backyard. Why cut this?
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