What you'll need is a plastic bag filled with:
Some salt and/or sugar for flavor.
You may want an extra bag with some extra flour.
Wow, that was easy! All you need to do is take some water (you won't even have to boil or filter it if the water is from a fresh, running source, since you'll be cooking it anyway) and pour it in the bag. Close the bag and start mashing it until it becomes doughy.
Next, take the extra bag with flour in it and put it in whenever and wherever you need to help keep the dough unstuck.
Now, what you can do is use something like canned herrings or whatever to add some oil. This will add flavor and keep the dough from sticking to your pot. After that you can plop that dough in the pan, flatten it out and flip it till its done.
Depending on how wide your pot is, you might need to make several smaller things of flat bread. Heck, you could try using a heated rock to cook this if you wanted.
Anyhow, after that you can dabble on some canned jam, or maybe some herrings or grilled spam and enjoy it! You'd be surprised how good plain flat bread can taste.

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